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PreK-8 The Biggest Story (*History)

WEDNESDAYS 9:00am-9:55am (12-weeks) $90 / Semester (Busy Bee-liever classes are Private-Pay Only)

Started Sep 18
$Fees Due by 1st Day
WEDNESDAYS at Camino Community Church

Service Description

Welcome to "Journey Through the New Testament," this course offers an exciting exploration of the Book of Acts, the Epistles, and Revelation. In this class, students will: Discover the Book of Acts: Dive into the adventures of the early Church with the Book of Acts. Students will learn about the Apostles, the spread of the Gospel, and the heroic deeds of early Christians. Interactive storytelling, role-play, and creative projects will help bring the dynamic history of the early Church to life, illustrating how the early believers lived out their faith and shared the message of Jesus. Explore the Epistles: Delve into the letters written by Paul and other Apostles to early Christian communities. We’ll explore key teachings and themes, such as love, faith, and community living. Students will engage with the Epistles through fun activities and discussions that highlight how these letters guide and encourage us in our daily lives as followers of Christ. Uncover the Mysteries of Revelation: We’ll explore its powerful imagery and messages, focusing on the hope and promises it offers. Students will engage with Revelation through creative visual activities and discussions that help them understand its message of hope, redemption, and the ultimate victory of good over evil. Each lesson creatively retells Scripture to help children grasp God’s plan to redeem the world through His Son, Jesus. Join us on this journey through the New Testament, where students will grow in their faith and knowledge as they explore the foundational books of Acts, the Epistles, and Revelation!

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

If you need to cancel your enrollment and don't plan on attending any classes during the semester, your $20 registration fee will be reimbursed up to 1-week before the first day of the semester. All unused class fees will be reimbursed up to 24 hours before the first day of the semester, minus the non-returnable portion of your class fees that went toward class materials for your student. If a child needs to drop a class after the semester has begun, we can prorate their class fees up til the end of the third week. No class fees will be returned or prorated after the end of the 3rd week. If you're joining the class late, prorated policies are determined on a case-by-case basis, by each instructor.

Contact Details

  • Camino Community Church, Carson Road, Camino, CA, USA


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