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PreK-8 Worship Art

WEDNESDAYS 11:00am-11:55am (12-weeks) $90/Semester (Busy Bee-liever Classes are Private-Pay Only)

Started Sep 18
$Fees Due by 1st Day
WEDNESDAYS at Camino Community Church

Service Description

Students will discover the importance of worship in their daily lives and how to apply and implement worship through creative artistic expression. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven”(Mathew 19:14) Students in this class will learn the meaning of worship and about the character and attributes of the God in the Bible. Students will learn and have fun creating two-dimensional art, specifically drawing and painting while listening and meditating on God’s word, worship music and dance. With guided art projects they will learn elements of art such as line, value, shape, form, space, color, and texture. Teacher will use guided art projects where they will practice and develop important skills such as listening, following directions and concentration. - Please see our Sponsorship Program if you need help with funding.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

If you need to cancel your enrollment and don't plan on attending any classes during the semester, your $20 registration fee will be reimbursed up to 1-week before the first day of the semester. All unused class fees will be reimbursed up to 24 hours before the first day of the semester, minus the non-returnable portion of your class fees that went toward class materials for your student. If a child needs to drop a class after the semester has begun, we can prorate their class fees up til the end of the third week. No class fees will be returned or prorated after the end of the 3rd week. If you're joining the class late, prorated policies are determined on a case-by-case basis, by each instructor.

Contact Details

  • Camino Community Church, Carson Road, Camino, CA, USA


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